Lactation Granola


If you’re a new breastfeeding mom, you recognize the importance of keeping that liquid gold flowing. For as long as women are birthing babies they’ve also been trying to seek out ways to stay their milk supply high. You’re already under such a lot of pressure as a mom, the last item you would feel is that you’re not producing an adequate amount of milk.
That’s where foods like lactation granola come into play. It might seem absurd to think that food can increase or decrease the quantity of milk that you simply produce, but women are using foods and supplies to extend milk supply for ages. Issues with breastfeeding are completely normal. Sometimes your baby isn't great at latching on or your milk doesn't want to come in. No matter what, you need to know that you're not alone. This is normal and Your body is doing its best.


What’s in Lactation Granola?
The main ingredient in just about any lactation food is oatmeal. Other ingredients you might find are flax meal, coconut oil/ butter and yummy additions like chocolate chips, raisins, and cinnamon.

These seem like normal ingredients, right? What makes them so special is that they can help increase breastmilk. Breastmilk is supported by prolactin. Prolactin hormone is triggered by a component called beta-glucan which is primarily present in Oats.

Oats are the first basic ingredient in most lactation supplies. And while oats make a healthy, delicious snack for anyone, they’re especially important for breastfeeding moms who want to extend their milk supply.
This is because oats have a special component called saponins. Saponin works to assist the body to create more prolactin, which is the breastmilk hormone. Lowered iron levels like anemic also result in less breastmilk, and Oats also play a major role there. They are rich in iron, manganese, and phosphorous which makes them the perfect meal/snack.

Flaxseed is a seed from a flax plant that we used to use to create linen and textiles, as it was stronger than cotton. Nowadays, we recognize it for what is a nutrient-rich superfood. It has omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These fats lower your triglyceride levels and also helps with depression. They’re essential for developing babies, as well.
While the oatmeal in lactation granola bars is great for increasing milk supply, flaxseed helps to ensure that the quality of the milk your baby gets is the best.

Almonds are one of the best key ingredients in the path of breastfeeding moms. They're packed with vitamins and nutrients so they pack your breastmilk full of good stuff for the baby.
But they're also good for helping you fight off exhaustion. Almonds work to provide you with an all-natural energy boost throughout the day.

Amato Lactation Granolas
By now it should be clear how much lactation granola can help you with your breastmilk supply and why. They make a delicious breakfast or an evening snack or for any midnight cravings. Who doesn’t love a sweet treat that’s good for your mind, body, and soul?
If you’re struggling to maintain the milk supply for a hungry baby, browse our selection of delicious Amato lactation granolas today! They come in three combo flavors like
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Almond and Moringa Lactation Granola
Chocolate and Honey Lactation Granola Coconut & Cinnamon Granola

They are super cool for new moms out there, packed with essential nutrients from almonds, moringa, and others for breastfeeding and are also super tasty like a treat and sweet indulgence. Amato packs them for you all so special with love, in small batches so fresh and natural with no preservatives. Stop looking for other options and now order Amato's Lactation Granola right now.

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